A principal investigator explaining how to use Cognition for running and sharing online experiments

Run cognitive
experiments online.

Focus on science, not on IT.

1. Code your task

Use jsPsych library to code your cognitive task. Use our online code editor to create your experiment or import it from GitHub.

2. Share your experiment

Cognition is built to make your life easier. Every experiment gets a secure URL, ready to share. Share the link with your participants to run your experiment.

3. Download your data

Designed with the latest web technology in mind. Cognition collects and stores the data in real-time for you and makes it available for download as CSV.

Built by scientists
for scientists

We know that building the infrastructure to carry out online experiments is time-consuming and prohibitively difficult, if not impossible. Using Cognition to build your experiment means never worrying about writing another PHP script or cross browser compatibility. Our ready-to-go platform will make your life easier.

100% web based

SSL Certificate

MTurk/Prolific comp.

Crash reporting

Offline recovery

Plugin autodetection

Limitation of responses

Collaborators & roles

Inter experiment conditions

Real-time recording

Informed Consent

Accurate timing

CSV, JSON, SQL export

GitHub integration

Participant monitoring

A group of researchers discussing about how run experiments online

The right balance between
ease of use and freedom.

Try our Online Code Editor for rapid experiment development.

Make your own experiment

Create tasks for your specific use-case with the code, stimuli, and dependencies you need.

Error debugging

See Javascript errors clearly with our user-friendly overlay.

Live preview

See changes as you make them. Your experiment is updated as you type.

The online task code editor and the live preview of the experiment

Live Monitoring.

Experience unprecedented experiment supervision with our Live Monitoring feature. View participant screen activity, communicate via microphone, and access recording data instantly for deeper insights and seamless interaction.

Try for free
A researcher envisioning new behavioural experiments with Cognition.run

Stay focused on your study.
Let us handle the infrastructure.

You have a study to run. Stop worrying about database design, cross-browser bugs, security issues, server setup. Let us do that for you.


Registered scientists





Fair, simple pricing for all.

We give you the option to decide how much you need to use.


The basics for all scientists.

$ 0 /year
Included feature

4 stored tasks

Included feature

60 collected runs per task

Included feature

2MB per stimulus

Included feature

100 stimuli files per task

Included feature

10 external libraries per task

For Individuals

Advanced features for individuals.

$ 990 /year
Included feature

10 stored tasks

Included feature

500 collected runs per task

Included feature

100MB per stimulus

Included feature

500 stimuli files per task

Included feature

20 external libraries per task

Included feature

2 collaborators per task

Included feature

Set the jurisdiction in which the data is stored

For Teams

Collaboration for organizations.

$ 2,990 /year
Included feature

Unlimited stored tasks

Included feature

Unlimited collected runs per task

Included feature

250MB per stimulus

Included feature

10,000 stimuli files per task

Included feature

50 external libraries per task

Included feature

Unlimited collaborators per task

Included feature

Set the jurisdiction in which the data is stored

Included feature

Task Live Monitoring


How can I create a task?

The task is defined in Javascript code, based on jsPsych library . Start from scratch or start quickly using pre-packaged examples.


Are Cognition and JsPsych the same?

jsPsych is a JavaScript framework for creating behavioral experiments that run in a web browser. Cognition is the platform where experiments can be hosted and labs can work on them together.


Is Cognition free?

All Cognition users get free access to experiment hosting. But if you’re looking for extensive data collection, more collaboration features, and bigger stimuli, we also offer paid plans: For Individual, and For Teams.


Can I use my own libraries?

Yes. Cognition adds the jsPsych library (Javascript and CSS) by default. Upload your own Javascript or CSS libraries and they will be available during the experiment.


Can I use Git for source control?

You can automatically deploy your JsPsych experiment to Cognition using GitHub Actions. Learn more in this step-by-step guide.


Who build and maintains the platform?

We are a small group of neuroscientists from USA. Working from home since 2020.

Get started

Get Cognition and save your time.

Stop wasting time trying to do it the 'right way' and build an online experiment from scratch. Cognition is faster, easier, and you still have complete control.

Create an account