Illustration of tool feedback

The Cost of Using PsychoPy Python Package for Behavioral Experiments

Designing and implementing behavioral experiments is a cornerstone of psychological research, and the tools used can greatly impact both the quality of results and the cost of conducting said experiments. This guide will take a glimpse at the financial aspects of using PsychoPy, a highly regarded Python package for crafting behavioral and cognitive tasks, to launch your online experiments.

The Licence Model

PsychoPy operates with an open-source license model. This means that its basic version is free to use by researchers across the globe. It is supported by an active community around the world, which continually enhances its functionalities and maintains the software.

Experiment Cost with 100 Participants

Given that PsychoPy itself is free, let's consider other costs incurred during an online experiment. Let's say you wish to run a cognitive experiment with 100 participants, using a platform such as This platform charges as per the number of participants. So, for 100 participants, if the cost is $1 per participant, your total expenditure would be $100.

The Hidden Costs

It's important to consider the hidden costs that lie in the time you spend designing and running experiments. The hours you spend programming tasks, debugging code, recruiting participants, and managing data can quickly add up. Although hard to quantify, these hidden costs should not be overlooked as they can surpass the direct monetary expenses.

Tips for Reducing Costs

Keeping your experiments simple and clear can minimize time (and thereby cost) in task design and debugging. Using existing templates and libraries like jspsych can also save significant time.

For participant recruitment, harnessing existing networks, such as student populations for university researchers or tapping into market survey panels, can often provide cost-effective participant pools.

Efficient data management is another area where costs can be saved. Leveraging user-friendly platforms for online experiments that offer built-in data management and analysis options, such as, can lead to savings in terms of time and resources.


Running behavioral experiments is an essential, albeit challenging and potentially costly aspect of psychological research. With efficient planning and tactical choice of resources, it can be made feasible and productive. Remember, the choice of tools, while crucial, forms only a fraction of the entire scope of running successful remote studies.

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