The PsychoPy Builder is a powerful tool for designing and operating cognitive and behavioral experiments. Invented by Jonathan Peirce, it is continuously maintained by a team of dedicated contributors dedicated to advancing psychological research.
PsychoPy Builder was developed to simplify the process of designing and running online experiments, particularly in the fields of cognitive psychology and neuroscientific research. Unlike other software, it allows for the design of complex cognitive tasks without the need for programming skills. In addition, it provides a platform for the creation and sharing of remote studies, increasing the accessibility and reach of psychological research.
PsychoPy Builder consists of three main components: the 'Flow', 'Routine' and 'Component' Panels. These panels allow researchers to design the structure and timing of their experiments, refine the details, and add stimulus or response components. It also includes a "Coder" view for advanced users who prefer to write their experiments in Python or JavaScript.
Moreover, one of its standout features is its compatibility with jsPsych, a JavaScript library for running of behavioral experiments in a web browser.
PsychoPy Builder is built to satisfy a broad range of research needs. It supports complex experimental designs with many different stimulus types and multiple forms of participant response.
Additionally, it promotes online research experiments and remote studies. Using a platform like, researchers can easily run their experiments on a global sample, avoiding many of the limitations and biases associated with traditional lab-based studies.
The PsychoPy Builder was invented by Jonathan Peirce, a professor of Psychology at the University of Nottingham. Along with a team of contributors, Peirce continues to maintain and improve the software, ensuring it is up-to-date with the latest technologies and best suited for the ongoing needs of researchers in the field.